UPDATED! Okay, guys. I’m going to be real with you. Any extra money is good, right? Well, I have made over $900 $1200 with SIX easy side hustles and I’m going to tell you how you can, too!
This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click through and make a purchase I will receive a small commission from the company at no extra cost to you!
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, a YouTuber, or take on a part-time job. If you have an email, computer, or phone and maybe just a little creativity, then you are golden!! It’s honestly crazy to look at how much I have made since working these little side hustles.
UPDATE (January 8th, 2021) : I have passed $1200!
Using these methods of extra income has brought in over $1200 that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I am so thankful I found them!
These methods are not sketchy, weird, or hard to get either. With some of these methods, you can make money in the comfort of your own HOME or standing in line at the grocery store! That sounds like it’s too good to be true, huh?
What do I need to have to make money with these methods?
Internet Access/Phone or Computer
You will need to have a working email to sign up to a couple of services. Easy peasy, most people have access to this already. If you have a computer you can download a couple of extensions that will help you out in the long-run!
This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time to build up this extra money, but the time you scroll on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or any other platform is time you could be utilizing to get that money.
My last method is my bread-winner (so far). If you have an ounce of creativity, then you can do what I have done, especially with one method I’ll mention below.
So, let’s get started!

6 Methods That Can Bring You Extra Income!
- Prolific
- Mturk
- Google Rewards
- Affiliate Marketing
- Art
- (NEW) Vipon
Please keep in mind the majority of my recommendations require you to be 18 years or over.
1. Prolifc.co
This is my absolute FAVORITE way to make some easy money. All you have to do is answer surveys. They are real and genuine surveys that take anywhere from a couple of minutes to an hour to complete.
You can participate in any survey available to you. This site gives you higher-paying surveys compared to other sites, but I will say, if you are just going to scan through the surveys and not really answer honestly… this site might not be for you. There are attention checks throughout the surveys and Prolific really wants participants who are going to show integrity.
Participants engage in actual academic research, help improve human knowledge, and get paid to put in quality answers.
The best way to take full advantage of this site is to take the surveys on a laptop or desktop. There is an extension called Prolific Assistant and I recommend you download this ASAP.
While you are off browsing the internet, this extension will allow you to be notified if a survey is available for you. When I first started, I did all my surveys on my phone. That’s cool and all, but you are really limiting the number of surveys that could be available to you.
After you complete your profile, you will have to answer questions that researchers use to find participants that is related to their study. This is basically your demographics. ANSWER ALL OF THEM AS SOON AS YOU CAN.
At first, do not be discouraged if surveys don’t fly in like other platforms.
They will come! Just look at my video, it will show you how much I had available.
So, how do you get paid?
Prolific.co is based in Europe so the currency is set to £ (pounds). This is not a big deal at all. Once your profile is completed, you will have linked your a PayPal account.
Once you reach £5.00 (about $6), you can cash out and it will take a couple of days to go into your PayPal.
Cool Hint: After your 5th cash out, you are then eligible to receive your money on the same day. (Fast Cash Out) 🙂
If you aren’t sure how to calculate £ to $, then you can use Google Currency or even use another browser extension. I use Currency Converter and I LOVE it.
I made $188.
2. Amazon Mechancial Turk (Mturk)
This is another survey site and it’s the first one I ever started to use. I was accepted within a couple of days, but do be aware that some people have issues with being accepted.
If that’s the case, don’t worry about it. The surveys on this site are super CHEAP. Like pennies cheap. It is nothing compare to Prolific.co and one reason I don’t use them as often as I once did.
Good thing about this site is that there isn’t a minimum cash out, but it does take a long time to rack up those “pennies”.
Don’t get me wrong. There are some decent payouts, but they don’t happen as often as Prolific.co.
Another thing you have to take in is, the quality of surveys. There are many issues, spammers, and you have to download the Mturk Suite extension on your browser to really get the good surveys and know which ones to stay away from.
The more surveys you complete, the better the surveys. You want to aim to complete over 1000 surveys to get the good ones.
Downside: If you return a survey, don’t pay attention, or a researcher refuses to pay you… it goes on your profile you have to build your percentage back up. It is super ANNOYING, but they are looking for the best participants out there with the higher states. Keep in mind that the higher your stats are, the more higher-paying surveys.
If you have the time and they accept you, this could be money you wouldn’t have had otherwise.
I made $100.
3. Google Rewards
Google Rewards is a FREE app you can download right now! I highly recommend you do so…. like now. This app tracks your location (your phone does this already if you have a smartphone) and you get paid to answer 2-4 questions every now and then. You get paid to share your opinions and you are notified when new surveys become available.
Expect to see surveys based on hotels, businesses, to location-based merchant satisfaction.
You have the option to accept or deny each survey and unless it is otherwise stated in the privacy agreement (this is at the beginning of each survey), your answers are anonymous and they are not linked to any of your personally identifiable information.
Questions are usually about if you visited a store, if you entered, and if you used cash, card, or neither. That’s it. EASY!
It literally takes up to 30 seconds to complete a survey and you can earn up to $1 for each one.
Downside: You do not get surveys all the time, but once you do receive a survey you have 24 hours to complete it.
The payout is $2.00 and you can link this to your PayPal and just watch it grow.
I have made $20 so far and it’s so ridiculously easy I don’t know why more people don’t know about it.
4. Affiliate Marketing
This one requires a little bit more than a phone and internet access, but if you are in the market of acquiring a website or blog (or you have one already), I highly suggest affiliate marketing.
As of today (12/10/2020), I am 13 days from reaching one full month of affiliate marketing and I have had a TON of traffic and several orders.
Marketing tactics that have helped me drive traffic and some orders are my Facebook page (Uptown Sage Deals), YouTube, and my TikTok account (@uptownsage). I even went kind of viral for a couple of hours–it was sweet!
I decided to participate in the following programs:
- Amazon Associates (Promo Codes!)
- Namecheap (my hosting site for my blog)
- Bluehost (my runner-up in hosting sites–they have a great compensation plan!)
- Grammarly-The World’s Best Grammar Checker (not all bloggers are perfect. I had a better grade in Spanish than I did in English!)
- Join shareasale.com, Earn Cash! This site has a HUGE list of merchants you can choose from to start making money. Grammarly & Namecheap are both on here. It is a must-have for new bloggers!
There are a lot of other programs that I have applied for, but I am still waiting to hear from them.
You do have to put in a lot of work, but it is worth it. If you haven’t set up a blog or you are trying to see which hosting site to go with, check out Namecheap VS. Bluehost. This post will tell you exactly why I chose Namecheap.
I have made $10 so far. Don’t laugh it’s still month one!! 🙂
In month two, I made a total of $240!
5. Art
This is the breadwinner! If you know how to paint, wood burn, draw or create cute gift baskets, then you can work this hustle to your potential.
On Instagram, you can view the artwork that I have sold: @uptownsagedesigns
If you can’t paint or draw, you are still in the race! Have you heard of digital art? It’s amazing!
I created an Etsy shop that has my first digital products. They are so easy to make, but they do take some time. I have created all of my products on Canva.
Canva is a website where you can design ANYTHING. You can use pre-existing designs, fonts, or add your own artwork.
A YouTube video will be made on how to use Canva soon, so you if want to be reminded when that comes out, make sure you have subscribed to my email list!
I will not spam you to death! 🙂
I made over $700 with this method.

6. (New) Vipon
This is a brand new app that I use. It has Amazon promo codes and you can also earn money by using the app. I have not cashed out anything and if you watch the YouTube video above, you will see that I had only 37 cents made!!
HAHA! It is literally pennies right now, but keep in mind that those pennies add up. 🙂 Go check it out and see if their referral program would be something that you are interested in.
There you have it. This is how I brought in an extra $900 $1200 for my family!
I hope you have learned a thing or two from this post. Don’t forget to share with anyone who may need this information.
Everyone needs that extra money, so we can share the wealth!
Subscribe for more information & if you need help with anything, please let me know!
This was so helpful. I’ve been looking into side hustles to try and create multiple streams of income in my spare time. Thanks for this article!
No problem! 🙂
This is such an amazing article. You really broke it down! Thanks.
Thank you! 😊