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90’s kids. We had the coolest toys. I mean not as cool as they are today, but dang. When we saw those commercials, those toys looked like a million bucks and we NEEDED to have them. Well, guess what. We still can (mostly updated versions, but some originals are still out there!). Today, we will dive into the most nostalgic toys that every 90’s kid wanted to have! To make it easier, I have scoured Amazon in search of those classic memories!
FUN FACT: On August 6, 1991, almost 30 years ago today, the World Wide Web became public to the world. I still can’t believe how much has changed since the Tamagotchi and Furby days. Can you imagine how it would have been growing up with what we have today?
What about in 30 more years? Will toys even be in existence or will technology take over??
To be honest, I can’t even begin to imagine the future nor do I want to. To keep the old childhood memories alive, I have made a list of 15 nostalgic toys that we all wanted to have back in that weird buffering stage.

Hey, 90’s kids, let’s see if one of your favorite toys made the list!
1. Lite•Brite
What’s not to love about the Lite•Brite? I wanted this so bad when I was a kid. I’m not even sure I got it! This now has a brighter screen, more pegs, and inspires creativity and helps develop motor skills.
2. Socker Boppers
DING-DING-DING! That’s all this toy every was. Mad at your little sister? What to bop a friend? These were a go-to! In all seriousness, this toy was a great outlet to blow off steam, relieve stress, and extra energy indoors or outside.
3. Polly Pocket
This was one of the several Polly Pocket Worlds that were available. This compact opens to a themed world complete with a water area to float in, a hot tub with chairs, and a driving board.
This is where kids learned about the tragic life cycle of life! Addiction to this little keychain is an understatement. You could raise your Tamagotchi from egg to child to Adult and take care of its basic needs. Feed it, play, give it medicine, check its health, discipline, and so much more. This was a Sims in a keychain!
5. Oregon Trail-Handheld
Based on the iconic computer game, travel through the Oregon Trail and try your best not to get sick and DIE! We would race to complete our schoolwork to play this little game. The only thing I wouldn’t like is the small screen.
6. Betty Spaghetty
A great update to the classic toy, kids loved to mix and match their dolls! I had one of these as a child and would trade outfit pieces with friends. Apparently, kids still love this doll today!
7. Giga Pets
If your parents were on a tight budget, you probably got a Giga Pet instead of a Tamagotchi. I found a 2nd edition Giga Pets Puppy that is listed as Amazon’s Choice. This toy teaches little ones what is really means to care for something and it would be a great trial-run before you get a real pet!
8. Bop it-Twist It, Pull It, Love it
I would sit for hours on this thing trying to get a high score. This is still a fan-favorite today and there are so many upgrades! The original Bop It is over $130. YIKES!
9. Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots
This game has been around for over 40 years! The goal of the game is to duke it out until you knock the opponent’s block off! A simple game that doesn’t involve electronics!
10. Furby
Not gonna lie, these creeped me out and it was mostly because they resembled a gremlin. When I was a kid, I swore that these things would take over the world. Ah, naivety. If you liked this creepy thing, I found an original!
11. Doodle Bear
Kids drew all over this bear, threw it in the wash, and it was good as new. It’s better than the walls, right?
12. Super Simon
My memory has never been the greatest… so this game was not my favorite! I found upgraded versions of this game if you want to test your mental abilities!
13. The Game of Perfection
The great thing about this game was that it exploded when the timer ran out.
14. Skip It
If you didn’t step up when you were supposed to, you could kiss your ankles goodbye!
15. Moon Shoes
Want to know what’s more fun than a trampoline? A mini trampolines for your feet. We all thought these were super cool.
There are so many more, but these are the most memorable for me. Did you have a number one toy back in the 90’s? I would love to know!
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